General Pasture

New favorite plant to observe diverse bugs: Goldenrod

Being honest, I am a disappointed in the lack of goldenrod (genus Solidago) in my pasture while the neighbor’s field across the fence has solid patches of yellow. It is the last significant nectar bearing flower for bees to build up winter stores. However watching my few sparse patches of the wildflower have yielded some cool critters. It seems they have migrated from my buckwheat plantings to the wild goldenrod. (Past posts on pollinators in my buckwheat: 1, 2, 3)

I’ve seen my honeybees in the patches, but have not bee able to capture any images.

Previously in buckwheat, I’ve seen Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus) but this time around I learned they hunt many other undesirable bugs like crickets and are very docile to humans. Here is one sharing a flower with a pair of young carpenter bees:


Next are the reason every black locust tree on my farm looks pitiful. They are a longhorn beetle that mimic the coloration of hornets to deter predators. Megacyllene robiniae or as the common name suggests, locust borer, feed on the bark and wood of locust trees as larvae.



Bees, Garden

All the pollinators I’ve been able to capture in the buckwheat so far

The butterflies are tough thus not represented in the right proportion. They seem to be skittish and I have a hard time getting close enough to snap a picture with any detail.

My etymological identification skills beyond bees are poor. If you know what any of these are, please let me know!








While I was watering



Carpenter Bee Butt

My honeybee



Bonus Mantis!



Bees, Garden


I caught a few of my ladies in my blooming buckwheat!



Look at the pollen pants!

I thought my bees disliked the buckwheat or were maybe more attracted to the neighbors soybeans. Up until this point, I’ve seen carpenter bees 5 different species of wasps and 21 different butterflies (assuming males and females look alike in each species) but no honeybees!

I’ve been taking pictures of many of the native pollinators I find in the buckwheat and will consolidate them into a single post.
