
Sorry for the unexpected break!

I try to post everyday…as long as I have something useful to share. If not, I don’t mind saving the bandwidth and time of both my readers and myself.

The truth is I’ve seemingly coasted into a maintenance phase on the farm front. After installing the garden, the only thing left to do is have patience as both the value and cover crops become established and the manure continues to compost within the beds. However, this coasting has yielded a bit of a creative rut on my part. Well, I’ve still been researching and drawing crazy ideas which I promise I will post soon. So writers block may be a more accurate descriptor.

I also took a bit of a hiatus from technology. I went to the farm this week with only books, and my phone for its camera, audio books and lifeline as I’m solo. I don’t believe any evils are found in the electromagnetism of devices, but avoiding them helps me hit the psychological reset button.

Topics coming in the next week (or soon if something of higher priority springs up): Getting stung by my bees for the first time, the amazing buckwheat plant, my crazy fence design and many more.



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